Consultants Coverage
USMC offers General Liability Coverage for Consultants. Now Offering 2/4/4 limits!
Eligible Exposures

Site Safety Consulting

Fire Safety Consulting

Construction Site
Safety Consulting

Architects Consulting

Training Sessions in
Classroom & Office Settings

Visual Inspection Work

OSHA Training Courses
Coverage Offered
General Liability Coverage for Consultants
Available in all States across the USA (Except Alaska)
Waiver of transfer or rights of recovery against others to us
Primary and Non-contributory Language
Various additional insured endorsements
Ineligible Exposures
Construction managers
Project managers
- 1/2/2 limits (1M occurrence, 2M general aggregate, 2M products and completed operations aggregate)
- NEW! 2/4/4 limits
- 5M Per Project Aggregate
Required for Submissions
(Click to download)
- ACORD 125 application
- ACORD 126 application
- Supplemental application
- 5 year loss history
(Resume is required if in business for 3 years or less) - Safety manual
- Subcontractors’ agreement
- Workers comp mod
- Proof of Professional Liability Coverage at Binding